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New Version Deviations of the KJV

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No. Ref. Changes from KJV Significance
1 Ps. 10:4-5 Changes "grievous" to "prosperous" or "succeed" Opposite meaning.
2 Isa. 9:3 Changes "not increased" to "increased" Opposite meaning.
3 Eccl. 8:10 Changes "forgotten" to "praise" Opposite meaning.
4 Prov. 25:23 Changes "driveth away" to "brings" Opposite meaning.
5 Prov. 18:24 Changes "must shew himself friendly" to "may come to ruin" or "friendships do not last" Opposite meaning.
6 Isa. 9:1 Changes "grievously afflict" to "honor" Opposite meaning.
7 Hos. 10:1 Changes "empty" to "spreading" Opposite meaning.
8 Gen. 27:39 Changes "thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above" to "Your dwelling will be away from the earth's richness, away from the dew of heaven." Opposite meaning.
9 Prov. 26:22 Changes "wounds" to "choice morsels" or "tasty trifles" or "gossip is so tasty" Opposite meaning.
10 Col. 2:18 Changes "not seen" to "he has seen" Opposite meaning.
11 Heb. 3:16 Changes "some…did provoke: howbeit not all" to "Did not, in fact, all do so" Opposite meaning.
12 Hos. 11:12 Changes "but Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints" to "Judah is unruly against God, even against the faithful Holy One" Opposite meaning.
13 Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13 Changes "Judas the brother of James" to "Judas the son of James" The modern bibles are in error.  Judas (Jude) is the brother of James as clearly stated in Jude 1.
14 Dan. 3:25 Changes "the fourth is like the Son of God" to "looks like a son of the gods" or "looks like an angel" Changes meaning of the verse and attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
15 2 Sam. 21:19 Changes "Elhanan…slew the brother of Goliath" to "Elhanan…killed Goliath" It is common knowledge that David slew Goliath, but the new versions say Elhanan killed Goliath. The KJV corrects the Hebrew Masoretic text.
16 Isa. 18:2 Changes "scattered and peeled" to "tall and smooth-skinned" Changes meaning of the verse.
17 1 John 1:4 Changes "unto you, that your joy may be full" to "that our joy may be complete" Changes meaning of the verse.
18 Eph. 5:9 Changes "Spirit" to "light" Fruit is from God the Holy Spirit.
19 Acts 2:30 Changes "he would raise up Christ" to "he would place one of his descendants on his throne" Attacks the Deity and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
20 Acts 2:31 Changes "hell" to "Hades" The English word for the abode for those who die without trusting Christ is "hell, not "Hades".
21 Acts 23:9 Omits "Let us not fight against God" New Bibles approve of fighting against God.
22 1 Cor. 2:13 Changes "comparing spiritual things with spiritual" to "we explain things to those who have the Spirit" Changes meaning of the verse and eliminates the KJV's instruction for the proper method of studying your Bible.
23 Acts 3:21 Changes "since the world began" to "long ago" Changes meaning of the verse.
24 Heb. 1:8 Changes make it unclear that God the Father is addressing God the Son (Jesus Christ) as God Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
25 2 John 3 Omits "Lord" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
26 Rev. 1:11 Omits "I am the Alpha and Omega" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
27 1 Tim. 3:16 Changes "God" to "He" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
28 1 Tim. 6:5 Omits "from such withdraw thyself" Eliminates Bible Doctrine of separation.
29 Matt. 8:29 Omits "Jesus" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
30 Luke 2:33 Changes "Joseph" to "father" Attacks the virgin birth of Jesus Christ by making Joseph the father of Jesus.
31 Isaiah 14:12 Changes "Lucifer" to "morning star" Jesus is the true "morning star" in Rev. 22:16.
32 1 John 5:7-8 Omits part of both verses Attacks the Bible Doctrine of the Trinity.
33 2 Peter 1:21 Omits the word "holy" Attacks the inspiration of the scripture as coming through "holy men".
34 1 Peter 1:22 Omits "through the Spirit" Knowing and obeying truth can only be through the working of the Holy Spirit.
35 1 John 4:3 Omits "is come in the flesh" Attacks Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh.
36 Heb. 3:6 Changes "rejoicing" to "boasting" Changes meaning of the verse.
37 Rev. 5:14 Omits "him that liveth for ever and ever" Eliminates the worship Jesus will receive forever.
38 Rev. 20:9 Omits "from God" Eliminates the true source of the fire from heaven.
39 Rev. 21:24 Omits "of them which are saved" Changes meaning of verse.
40 Luke 4:4 Omits "but by every word of God" Attacks the words of God.
41 Luke 4:8 Omits "Get thee behind me, Satan" Confuses who is being addressed.
42 Matt. 7:14 Changes "strait" to "difficult" Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
43 2 Tim. 2:15 Changes "study" to "do your utmost" or "be diligent" or "work hard" Changes meaning of verse and attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
44 1 Pet. 2:2 Changes "desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:" to "grow to salvation"  Changes the context from a believer's spiritual growth through studying the word of God into salvation by works.
45 1 Cor. 1:18 and 2 Cor. 2:15 Changes "are saved" to "are being saved" Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
46 Luke 21:19 Changes "In your patience possess ye your souls." to "standing firm (or enduring) and you will save yourselves" Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
47 John 3:36 Changes "believeth" to "obey" Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
48 John 8:9 Omits "being convicted by their own consciences" Eliminates the Bible truth that a person's conscience can bring conviction of sin.
49 John 9:4 Changes "I" to "we" Changes meaning of verse.
50 Gal. 5:22 Changes "faith" to "faithfulness" Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
51 Rom. 11:6 Omits entire verse Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works.
52 Acts 8:37 Omits entire verse Attacks salvation by grace through faith and makes salvation by works (water baptism).
53 Col. 1:14 Omits "through his blood" Attacks salvation by removing Jesus' blood.
54 Rom. 3:25 Omits "in his blood" Attacks salvation by removing Jesus' blood.
55 Eph. 1:7 Omits "through his blood" Attacks salvation by removing Jesus' blood.
56 Mark 9:42 and John 6:47 Changes "believe in me" to "who believes" Promotes universal salvation by believing anything versus believing in Jesus Christ alone.
57 Gal. 4:7 Omits "through Christ" Attacks the necessity to believe on Jesus Christ.
58 Gal. 6:15 Omits "For in Christ Jesus" Eliminates the fact that salvation for anybody is to be found only in Jesus Christ.
59 Eph. 3:9 Omits "by Jesus Christ" Attacks Jesus' role in creation of all things.
60 Eph. 3:14 Omits "of our Lord Jesus Christ" Removes Jesus Christ from His own Book.
61 Col. 1:2 Omits "and the Lord Jesus Christ" Removes Jesus Christ from His own Book.
62 1 John 4:3 Omits "Christ is come in the flesh" Attacks the Deity and incarnation of Jesus Christ.
63 2 Cor. 2:17 Changes "corrupt" to "peddle" Attempts to hide the motive of those responsible for revising the KJV.
64 Matt. 17:21 Omits entire verse Eliminates prayer and fasting as the means Jesus used to rebuke devils.
65 Matt.  18:11 Omits entire verse Eliminates Jesus purpose for coming to earth.
66 Mark 11:26 Omits entire verse Eliminates the need to forgive others.
67 Mark 15:28 Omits entire verse Eliminates the fulfillment of prophesy that Jesus "was numbered with the transgressors" (Is. 53:12).
68 Luke 17:36 Omits entire verse Eliminates the fact that a great separation will occur at the second coming of Christ.
69 Luke 24:40 Omits entire verse Eliminates evidence of the resurrection of Jesus.
70 Matt. 23:14 Omits entire verse Eliminates cross-references to "hypocrites" and "greater damnation" of the scribes and Pharisees.
71 Mark 9:43b, 46 Omits vv. 43b, 44 and 46 Eliminates Bible Doctrine of Hell and eternal torment.
72 Mark 16:9-20 Omits entire passage Eliminates definition of Apostolic signs and one of the commissions for the church to preach the gospel.
73 John 7:53 thru John 8:11 Omits entire passage Eliminates key passage on Jesus' power to forgive sins and his rebuke of the scribes and Pharisees.
74 Matt. 1:25 Omits "firstborn" Confuses the fact that Mary had other children after Jesus was born. (Psalm 69:8 and Mark 6:3)
75 Matt. 9:13b Omits "to repentance" Eliminates the necessity of repentance.
76 Matt. 16:3 Omits "O ye hypocrites" Eliminates cross-reference to "hypocrites".
77 Matt. 16:20 Changes "Jesus" to "he" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
78 Matt. 19:17 Omits "that is God" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
79 Matt. 19:17 Changes "Why callest thou me good?" to "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Changes meaning of verse.
80 Matt. 20:7 Omits "and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive" Eliminates the Bible Doctrine of sowing and reaping and the fact that God will do what is right.
81 Matt. 20:16 Omits "for many are called but few are chosen" Eliminates the Bible fact that Jesus died for all sinners and that few will trust Jesus (Matt. 7:14).
82 Matt. 27:35 Omits "that it might be fulfilled wich was spoken by the prophet, They parted by garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots." Eliminates the fulfillment of the prophesy given in Psalm 22:18.
83 Matt. 25:13 Omits "wherein the Son of man cometh" Eliminates the Bible Doctrine of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
84 Matt. 25:31 Omits "holy" Attacks the holiness of the angels who will return with Jesus Christ at the Second Advent to rule on His throne in His Kingdom.
85 1 Thess.5:27 Omits "holy" Removes the status of the brethren of being absolutely holy in their position in Christ.
86 Mark 1:2 Changes "prophets" to "the prophet Isaiah" (cf. Isaiah 40:3) and omits the words "before thee" (which refers to Jesus Christ in Mark 1:1) Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ and ignores the quotation in Malachi 3:1 which identifies Jesus Christ as the Jehovah of the Old Testament.
87 Mark 1:1 Omits "the Son of God" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
88 Mark 2:17 Omits "to repentance" Eliminates the necessity of repentance.
89 Isaiah 7:14 Changes "virgin" to "maiden" or "young woman" Attacks the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
90 Zech. 12:10 Changes "me" which refers to "the LORD" (Jehovah) in Zech 12:1 (cf. John 19:37) to "the One" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
91 Matt. 6:13 Omits "For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory forever. Amen." Attacks the eternal nature of God's kingdom.
92 Luke 23:42 Omits "Lord" Eliminates the salvation of the thief on the cross and the saving power of Jesus Christ.
93 John 3:13 Omits "which is in heaven" Eliminates the present location of Jesus being in heaven right now.
94 John 5:3b-4 Omits entire verse Eliminates the miraculous healing of God.
95 John 5:39 Changes the commandment to "Search the scriputures" to "You are searching the scriptures" Changes meaning of the verse.
96 John 8:58 Changes "I am" to "I have been" Changes God's name and makes it past tense while destroying the cross-reference to God.
97 John 10:30 Changes "my" to "the" Attacks the Deity of Jesus Christ.
98 Acts 1:3 Changes "infallible" to "positive" Attacks the indisputable, unquestionable, and irrefutable proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
99 Acts 4:13 Changes "unlearned and ignorant" to "unlettered and ordinary" Changes meaning of the verse.
100 Acts 7:45 Changes "Jesus" to "Joshua" The correct translation is "Jesus" as in the KJV. Joshua 1-10 is a type of Jesus Christ and a picture of the 2nd Advent. (cf. Josh. 5:15)  The same Greek word for Jesus (Iesous) is also used throughout the rest of the NT.
101 Acts 24:7 Omits entire verse Eliminates key detail of Paul's accusation.
102 Rom. 1:16 Changes "gospel of Christ" for "good news" Eliminates the central person of the gospel, that being Jesus Christ.
103 2 John 1:9 Changes the second reference to "doctrine of Christ" to "teaching" Waters down the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone to any kind of teaching of Christ.
104 1 Tim. 2:7 Omits "in Christ" Eliminates the Bible doctrine that truth can only be found in Jesus Christ (i.e not man's opinions).
105 Rom. 1:18 Changes "hold" to "suppressing" Changes meaning of the verse.
106 Rom. 1:25 Changes "changed" to "exchanged" Changes meaning of the verse.
107 Rom. 1:32 Changes "have pleasure" to "consent" Changes meaning of the verse.
108 Rom. 10:9 Changes "the Lord Jesus" to "Jesus is Lord" Supports "Lordship Salvation", (the false doctrine that if Jesus is not Lord over all your life at salvation, then He is not Lord at all and you were never saved.) 
109 Rom. 13:9 Omits "Thou shalt not bear false witness" Eliminates the cross-references to one of the Ten Commandments (cf. Ex. 20:16 and Matt. 19:18).
110 Rom. 14:10 Changes "Christ" to "God" Eliminates the Bible Doctrine of the Judgment Seat of Christ as being for believers only while supporting the false doctrine of a single general judgment and post-millennial theology whereby God's Kingdom is established without the second coming of Jesus Christ.
111 1 Cor. 7:2 Changes "to avoid" to "prevalence" Changes meaning of the verse.
112 1 Cor. 7:5 Omits "fasting" Eliminates the Bible Doctrine of fasting.
113 Acts 10:30 Omits "fasting" Eliminates the Bible Doctrine of fasting.
114 Gal. 3:1 Omits "that ye should not obey the truth" Eliminates the need to obey the truth of God's word.
115 Phil. 2:6 Changes "robbery" to "seizure" Changes meaning of the verse.
116 1 Pet. 4:1 Omits "for us" Eliminates the fact that Jesus Christ came to this earth to die "for us", not just to suffer for no reason.
117 Acts 12:4 Changes "Easter" to "passover" The KJV's "Easter" is the correct translation.
118 1 Cor. 10:28b Omits "for the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof" Denies the fact that the Lord is the Creator and owner of the earth and its fulness.
119 Matt. 5:44 Omits "bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,… despitefully use you, and" Eliminates practical lessons on how to deal with enemies.
120 John 16:16 Omits "because I go to the Father" Confuses where Jesus went when He ascended.
121 Luke 9:56 Omits "For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." Eliminates the saving power of Jesus Christ and His purpose of coming to this earth to be our Saviour.
122 1 Cor. 5:1 Changes "fornication" to "immorality" KJV is addressing sexual sin, not just general immorality.
123 1 Cor. 5:7 Omits "for us" Eliminates the fact that Jesus Christ came to this earth to die "for us", not just to suffer for no reason.
124 Mark 10:21 Omits "take up the cross" Eliminates the only reference in the Bible to "take up the cross" and by doing so eliminates one of the essentials to being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
125 Mark 10:24 Omits "for them that trust in riches" Eliminates the KJV warning regarding how hard it is for those who trust in riches to get saved and makes the Bible say it is hard (works) for anybody to get saved, which is absolutely false.
126 1 Tim. 6:20 Changes "science" to "knowledge" The new versions take away the KJV's warning against the false science.
127 Prov. 30:28 Changes "spider" to "lizard" Changes meaning of the verse.
128 Zeph. 2:14 Changes "cormorant and the bittern" to "pelican and the hedgehog (or owl)" Changes meaning of the verse. A bittern is a bird similar to a heron.
129 Rev. 8:13 Changes "angel" to "eagle" Changes meaning of the verse.
130 Matt. 5:22 Omits "without a cause" By eliminating this phrase, the new bibles cause Jesus to be guilty of sin, because Jesus got angry many times with his brethren.
131 John 18:36 Omits the word "now" Omitting the word "now" results in a false teaching that a literal and physical kingdom where Jesus reigns supreme will never be established on earth.
132 Judges 18:30 Changes "Manasseh" to "Moses" The KJV corrects the Hebrew Masoretic text.
133 Daniel 1:4 and 1 Tim. 6:20 Omits the word "science" The word "science" is removed from the new bibles so readers will not connect the modern "god" of science with Babylon which represents the present evil world under the dominion of Satan.
134 Rev. 11:15 Changes "kingdoms" to "kingdom" The new bibles change the KJV's "kingdoms" (plural) to "kingdom" (singular) to get rid of the cross references (Is. 60:12; Dan. 2:44; Zeph. 3:8; Zech. 14:9) that interpret this verse as a reference to the destruction of all Gentile nations (the U.N.)
135 Zech. 11:15 Changes "foolish" to "worthless" or "useless" Zech. 11:15-17 are a reference to the Antichrist and this verse identifies him (only in the KJV) as "a foolish shepherd", meaning the Antichrist is a fool in God's eyes. - Psalm 53:1
136 Zech. 11:17 Changes "idol" to "worthless" or "valueless" Zech. 11:15-17 are a reference to the Antichrist and this verse identifies him (only in the KJV) as "the idol shepherd", a Pope who demands worship as God in 2 Thess. 2:3-4 and Dan. 11:36-37.
137 Is. 26:3 Omits "on thee" The omission removes the LORD as being the One on Whom our minds must be stayed (relied or trusted upon) if believers are to have perfect peace.
138 See twelve references in the right-hand column. Changes "testament" to "covenant" The new bibles incorporate this error twelve times: Matt. 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:6, 14; Heb. 7:22; 9:15 (twice),18, 20; Rev. 11:19. A testament is in force only after the death of the testator; a covenant does not require the death of anybody to be in force, i.e. using the word "covenant" in the new bibles has eliminated the shed blood and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ.
139 Jude 8 Omits "filthy" The new bibles remove this important and fitting adjective which accurately describes the apostate teachers referred to in the context.